
genetic epistemology meaning in Chinese



  1. J piaget ( 1896 - 1980 ) is famous in the world for establishing the genetic epistemology , which has enriched the knowledge of the human beings to know themselves exactly
    1研究动机瑞士学者让?皮亚杰( jean ? piaget ) ( 1896 ? 1980 )因创立发生认识论这一新学科而饮誉世界,发生认识论体系极大地丰富了人类对自己认识的宝库。
  2. Based on the elementary ideas of category in the genetic epistemology , we used the approaches of implicit learning and componential analysis in modern cognitive psychology to explore the process of 7 , 8 - year - old children who lies in the transition from piaget ' s pre - operational thinking to concrete operational thinking , acquiring disjunctive categories in the experimental research
    在本研究中,我们立足发生认识论有关“范畴”的基本思想,采用现代认知心理学中有关内隐学习和成分分析的方法对处于由前运算思维向具体运算思维过渡时期的儿童( 7 ? 8岁)获得“析取”范畴的过程进行了研究。
  3. Piaget has made significant contributes in the psychology of children ' s cognition as follows : first , he produces a complete theory of children ' s cognition structures which is full of dialectical thoughts ; second , he depicts the cognitive developing line of children from their birth to early youth ; third , he is the first psychologist one who introduce mathematical logic to draw children " development of thinking ; finally , he sets up the theoretical construction of genetic epistemology
    2儿童认知发展理论的进展与思考2 1皮亚杰儿童认知结构理论的回顾皮亚杰对儿童认知心理学的主要贡献主要体现在以下几个方面:第一,提出了一套完整的、富有辨证思想的儿童认知结构理论;第二,描绘了儿童从出生到青年初期( 15岁)认知发展的路线;第三,首次采用数理逻辑作为刻化儿童逻辑思维发展的工具;第四,构造了发生认识论的理论框架。
  4. I think the idea of the radica1 constructivism stemmed in the l 8th century from the famous ltalian scholar vico ' s scienza nuova , who had an idea , namely , " truth is creation " , and was nurtured by kant ' s kopernikus inversion which meant subject built object and piaget ' s theory of genetic epistemology made it grow up , which was " subject and object built each other " . the idea of the radical constructivism was finally produced by v . glasersfeld ' s two essential principies . one is that knowledge is not passively obtained but actively constructed by the individual , and the other is that the function of knowledge is to accommodate and serve the organization of the empirical world , but not to discover the objective reaiity of ontology
    本研究认为,激进建构主义思想开启于18世纪意大利著名学者维柯“真理即创造”的“新科学” ,发展于康德“主体建构客体”的“哥白尼倒转” ,确立于皮亚杰“主客体双向建构”的“发生认识论” ,生成或定位于冯?格拉塞斯费尔德的两个基本原则- - “ ( a )知识不是由认知主体被动地获得的,而是积极主动地建构的; ( b )知识的功能是适应并服务于经验世界的组织,而不是对本体论的客观现实的发现” 。

Related Words

  1. naturalized epistemology
  2. genetic
  3. genetic mark
  4. genetic restriction
  5. genetic hirsutism
  6. genetic resistance
  7. genetic method
  8. mapping genetic
  9. genetic component
  10. genetic continuity
  11. genetic enhancer element
  12. genetic epidemiology
  13. genetic equilibrium
  14. genetic erosion
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